Not knowing how to react as my parents drove me to school, I sat in solitude as my thoughts and memories with them sprouted out and kept my thoughts occupied for most of the day.
When i was younger, our family would occasionally visit my family friend's house for dinner and i would always rush upstairs to play with my 'big brother', never knowing i was interrupting my 'big brother*' as he was either studying or playing on his awesome Play Station Portable. Nonetheless, he would welcome me warmly (yea, by tickling me till i cried) and sometimes he would let me play on his Play Station or he would share a funny story that cracked me up until the older ones downstairs called us down to eat dinner.
I couldn't believe it.
Astonishingly , my 'big brother' was the father who was going to deliver the eulogy at his son's funeral.
Life is short.
Death is eternal.
I doubt anyone would be confident that we would definitely be alive tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after that. Death will purge someone at any moment, sometimes when you least expect it, and after that, time will stop for us and we will be gone forever, only to exist in other people's memories.

Should we all try to live life fully, regret less, worry less, open up to each other (not necessarily meaning you should try to become more extroverted) reject your confidence-tricking shield, conform with your natural self and strike every opportunity there is?
Should we be trying out new things, participate on things, going out of our comfort zones, or enter the realm of love?..
Should we???
After all, life is short and goes by erratically.
This single thought on the nature of life as short and erratic had blossomed into many conceptions that made me begin to question my behavior and beliefs within my own life of stability and security.
I wonder what my overlookers residing in the heavens would think of how i spent my time during my life that i was 'tried 'to conserve and stabilise until my unexpected death??!
I think I need to change...